Despite the digital revolution, there has been a notable return to traditional darkroom techniques, capturing the interest of both experienced photographers and eager students. Recognizing this trend, I embarked on a journey to design a product that bridges the best of both worlds: the precision of digital tools and the tactile, creative experience of the darkroom. The product is divided into three modes: archiving, exposing, and developing. It seamlessly integrates digital features while preserving the essence of traditional darkroom photography. My goal is to empower photographers of all skill levels to embrace the artistry of analog while leveraging the convenience of digital technology. Through meticulous user research and numerous design iterations, I created a product that respects individual workflows and fosters experimentation. From the organization of negatives to the fine-tuning of exposures, every aspect of the analogue process is supported, allowing users to explore their creativity with confidence. From the analysis of negatives to the making of incremental adjustments during printing, the product offers a user-friendly interface that encourages exploration and discovery until the perfect print is achieved.